Our Approach

San Pasqual Academy can serve up to 80 youth, ages 12-17, as well as Non-Minor Dependents (NMDs). Our program also accepts sibling groups in order to help maintain familial attachments and support family preservation.
The program provides a stable educational setting that offers foster youth the opportunity to remain in one placement while completing high school.
Residential staff and house parents serve as surrogate parents who mentor and tutor students, teach age-appropriate independent living skills, create opportunities to explore new interests, encourage participation in sports and recreation, assist in the exploration of career and job opportunities, and promote family living skills.
Youth are surrounded with supportive adults, including program staff, house parents, on site social workers, teachers, and grandparent mentors.

Our Model

Our Integrated Care Model incorporates a strengths-based approach with positive youth development, social learning theory, and trauma-informed care to foster physical, psychological, and emotional safety.


Innovative Programming

Extracurricular Opportunities

Students experience a comprehensive high school program with multiple opportunities for academic success, including:

  • Year-round High School program (198 days) through San Diego County Office of Education;
  • Academic assessment and on-site special education services;
  • High school diploma, credit recovery, and GED;
  • CTE offerings such as Computer Skills, Culinary Arts, and Landscaping, with workforce development offered through community partner, Access Inc.;
  • School activities including yearbook, school sponsored dances, and clubs;
  • Interscholastic sports including football, basketball, baseball/softball, and volleyball;
  • Post-secondary scholarships through generous donors to San Pasqual Academy.

We provide innovative programming within a therapeutic milieu to support each individual youth through:

  • On-site behavioral health services with San Diego Center for Children’s SPOT Program; 
  • Positive Skill Development groups to teach and reinforce social skills and healthy relationships;
  • Art, music, and recreation therapies;
  • On-campus Intergenerational Mentoring Program to promote intergenerational exchange and nurturing connections;
  • On-site social work services with San Diego Child Welfare;
  • Family support services such as structured family visits, home passes, and family therapy;
  • Alumni / Aftercare support services offering program graduates with campus short term housing, scholarships, and job placement assistance.

San Pasqual youth have access to an array of extracurricular and enrichment activities, such as: 

  • Field trips, outings and other pro-social activities;
  • Off-campus work opportunities to engage with the community;
  • Youth-selected recreation and wellness activities; 
  • Prom, Grad Night, college tours, job interview clothing, and academic scholarships are supported by Friends of San Pasqual Academy, a community non-profit whose mission is to help foster youth become confident, productive, contributing, highly educated, successful adults.